World Wildlife Fund

I chose the organization World Wildlife Fund to put into this page.

I found the World Wildlife Fund ( Foundation) to be interesting because their main goal is to preserve wildlife and figure out ways to conserve natural energy. They have been in existence for over 45 years and have helped preserve the future of nature. The foundation is supported by around 1.2 million people from the united states and close to 5 million globally.They use many different sources of upcoming technology to try to maintain wildlife and ecosystems. I think this foundation is a good one to label as GREEN or eco-friendly. They are working towards one goal and that is to preserve what we have on this earth and to keep it going at a healthy pace. The goals they have set for themselves is one that not only they themselves can do but it requires the assistance of others. As we all know, the world isn't a little place,  and it can take as many helpers as it can to help conserve its inhabitants and their environment.


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