Improving GGC

The purpose of my survey was to try to get feedback from other students on their opinions about how GGC was running. Most of my questions had to deal with the food services because in my opinion, I believe thats where the biggest improvement needs to be at this point.

 My survey was basically a survey to help improve certain situation at GGC. Students who took my survey answered questions mostly dealing with the food services at the college and how to improve on them. However, along with the need to better and faster food services, I believe we should have better dining/resting places as well to do homework and socialize. Therefore, I included the question of "Do you believe a bigger atrium would be useful?" Out of the nine people who took my survey, six of them said a bigger atruim would POSSIBLY be useful whereas , three of them said YES. Out of all these people, no one answered with NO.

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